• Gentry

    Anti-Racism Resources for Students, Educators, and Citizens.

    Caring During COVID: Education Resources for Parents and Teachers From the Neag School

    COVID-19 Updates: Teacher Education FAQs for IB/M and TCPCG Students

    Neag School Virtual Open House: Learn About the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program

    Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) Program

    Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG)

    Special Program in Education



    The Neag School of Education offers two programs leading to teacher certification.

    The Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program is a highly competitive five-year comprehensive teacher preparation program that integrates coursework and school-based clinic experiences facilitated by university and K-12 faculty in the preparation of pre-service teachers.

    The Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG), offered at the Hartford, Waterbury, and Avery Point campuses, builds on the existing strengths of the IB/M Teacher Preparation Program and offers a path for college graduates seeking to gain teacher certification.

    The 电影频道-热门好看的电影大全-正版高清电影在线观看-爱奇艺:爱奇艺电影频道拥有大量高清在线电影资源,热门高清电影、好评电影、电影预告在线观看。包含国产电影、韩国电影、日本电影、美国电影、欧洲电影、印度电影、泰国电影。电影类型有戏剧电影、科幻电影、爱情片、动作片、枪战片、谍战片、悬疑、恐怖片、魔幻、犯罪、惊辣、奇幻、战斗片 ... in the Neag School of Education links two years of prerequisite and general education coursework with three years of professional education, resulting in
    two degrees:  a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction or educational psychology.


    VIDEO: Focus on Recruiting and Retaining Black and Hispanic-Latino Male Teachers

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